Director’s Challenge

You may have seen the notice in the recent Dispatch that I’m launching a new annual tradition that I would like to call“The Director’s Challenge.”

From the Dispatch:

AAS has always been quick to take on community service projects at all levels and divisions in support of good causes or to reach out to groups of people who are struggling in some way. This year, the three divisions have come together on one project, the Prozorovo Tractor Fund, for which we feel we can have a lasting impact on a the lives of villagers in our host country. The village of Prozorova is located northwest of the Golden Ring, approximately 400km north of Moscow and they are desperately in need of a new tractor. This tractor is essential to the lives of the villagers as the local roads are poor with dirt tracks that are often only navigable by tractor. The tractor is used to supply wood and food to the elderly villagers and plough fields and transport crops in the spring and summer.

This is a new tradition to assist our students in their annual fundraising efforts. I am personally donating 15,000 rubles to the Prozorova Tractor Fund. In order to reach the “Director’s Challenge 2011-2012” goal, I encourage 30 individuals or groups in the AAS community to match my donation by also contributing 15,000 rubles each. By participating in this fundraising effort, each donator will recognized by a plaque on the “Director’s Challenge Wall.”

Please note, after 30 donations have been received this year’s challenge is closed.

I’m excited by this opportunity for the adults in this community to join together with our children to help them achieve something bigger than they could do on their own. I hope you will help our students by taking part in the First Annual Director’s Challenge!

By admin

Director at the American School of Warsaw