Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy

Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy

Dec 17, 2012 by admin

Dear Parents,

Last Friday’s tragic school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut has caused many to stop and think in the awful aftermath of this significant loss.  As an educator, I feel an extra degree of sadness when confronted with the death of so many children.  While we shoulder many tragedies through military conflict, natural disasters, and personal loss, this one is hard to bear because of its senselessness and magnitude.

I know I am not alone in this and the global ramifications are clear as friends from around the world checked in with me during the weekend to offer their support during this time of sorrow and mourning.

In response to the inevitable questions that are emerging amongst students, I have sent resource materials to staff to aid them in their conversations with children about these tragic events.  The topics covered in these bulletins are also being used at international schools around the world and recommended by school counselors in multiple regions.  These materials are posted here:

– Talking to Children About the School Shooting
– Sandy Hook Media Statement 
New York Times Video: Speaking to Children About the Shooting

In order to reassure our community of our preparedness, you should take this opportunity to review our AAS Emergency Plan.  It is posted on our website in English and in Russian at the following link.

Our commitment, as always, is a steadiness and consistency that maintains the home-like environment that is the hallmark of AAS – a place of comfort and safety no matter what the circumstances.

Best regards,

Jon P. Zurfluh

By admin

Director at the American School of Warsaw