Welcome back after a nice Spring getaway. Whether you were just “getting away” to the parks in Moscow or traveling more broadly, I hope this energized you for weeks of packed activity that are now on the horizon. I’m looking forward to seeing you at various junctures between now and closing ceremony.
You got a note on Monday inviting you to participate in our calendar survey for the 2018-2019 school year. While many may think this is far in the future to be planning, it is important to us to make sure we have these core dates in place for long term planning, particularly with CEESA related activities that requires the synergy of multiple school calendars. Each year, we survey for the calendar that is two years out. 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 are already on our website for your advance planning. We would love to have as many respond as possible to the survey at the following link:
My thanks to the early respondents. 30 of you have already taken the plunge, but I would love to have hundreds in the database for our due consideration. Many of the comments are already helpful. Please note that this survey has two additional questions at the end about making amendments to the 2017-2018 calendar. We do not undertake changes to already adopted calendars without broad support, so please let us know your opinions before we make our presentation to the board on May 5th. You have until April 27th to respond! Survey should only take about 5 minutes.
One short additional note for those who might be interested. I’m sharing this only because it requires a targeted audience and limited by nationality that can apply. One of our founding embassies, the British Embassy, is looking for a technology support staff member to help in their IT department. If you think you might be interested and are from the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia or EU countries, please click on the link to read the details: CLICK HERE
Finally, I wanted to let everyone know that I’ll be at Concordian International School in Thailand next week as a member of the CIS accreditation team. Accreditation work is part of being a school leader and many of our AAS administrators are occasionally asked to take part in these teams. Accreditation work is an important aspect of international school work and provides a platform for professional development and improvement of the profession in schools around the world. I’m looking forward to being part of a team reflecting on another school’s growth and development journey and look forward to bringing back insights into our own work in this area. Ian Forster and Melissa Schaub will be available during my absence to address any needs in the Director’s office. I’ll return on April 30th.