Greetings Parents!!
We have just one day left before a well-deserved holiday. The beauty of winter vacation the Moscow way is that extra bit of time that we have in January before we need to return. You’re welcome! But, let’s make sure to be back in seats on Monday the 11th to bask in the renewed energy after our sojourn to all points of the compass.
But, before you leave, allow me a bit of time to thank someone and then lightly scold the rest of you. My thanks to Mr. Baillieu for his response to my request from last week regarding sending messages of hope and possibility to our students:
James Thurber is better known for his humourous writings such as ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ but he was something of a philosopher as well. He said, “Look not back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.” Appropriate words for these times. Never lose hope! — James Baillieu, parent
Wonderful response and perfect to the assigned task. Thank you! Powerful words of encouragement that I can enthusiastically share with students.
Now, here comes the slight scolding part. One response?!?!? Really?!?!? I know it is a busy time of year, so I hear the concern that emerged through your lack of participation. Therefore, like any good teacher, I’m hereby extending your deadline to January 10. That should give you plenty of time for contemplation and thoughtful consideration of your messages of encouragement for our youth. When you are ready to respond, the place remains the same – please click here.
Remember, you are not limited by language. Feel free to respond in your language of choice and greatest familiarity.
Beyond this, let me simply wish everyone well for the upcoming vacation!! Wherever the break takes you, stay safe and know that we will be counting the days until your return. I hope, at least in part, that the season brings time with family, nurtured by the hopes and dreams of the holiday spirit!!
For those few families that are saying farewell at this juncture, and there are always a few, our regular message to you and yours: Once a Penguin, Always a Penguin!! Your legacy of contribution will live on in our hearts and memories!
Ho Ho Ho & Happy Holidays!!