September 30, 2015

As we settle into a new month this week, the first stage of the school year moves into our rearview mirror.  We are launching into a critical learning period between now and October Break.  With many founding activities of welcome and the development of community spirit now complete, we capitalize on these qualities toward the accomplishment of a diverse range of learning goals in all classrooms.

The school board comes together for its first official meeting this week on the heels of a successful board retreat earlier this month.  We are excited for and engaged in the work that lies ahead.  New board members have been welcomed and oriented to the ongoing work of the school and we thank them in advance for their service.

As part of staying prepared, we had both an emergency message drill and a fire drill in recent weeks. A Code Red drill is scheduled for October 13.  You can find details of our emergency planning on our website here:

Other drills, both announced and unannounced, are planned throughout the year.  It’s a great idea to become familiar with our plans and drills in this document to be aware of this at all times.

socks and shoesIn “sock news,” we are continuing to be creative in our expression of “Respect Self.”  The stories emerging through our “socks of many colors” are a constant source of inspiration and deeper understanding of this important tenant of our mission statement.  Just about every day, I’m asked by an elementary school student about what socks I’m wearing.  They giggle when I show them my latest colors or design.  We often end up talking about how their day is going and what they are doing that is especially exciting.  It’s always a wonderful conversation.  Remember that “Respect Self” is about better understanding ourselves and our special gifts.  When kids are choosing their socks in the morning, you might ask them about the special things they are going to do for themselves that day.  Let the colors of their socks remind them of their unique qualities!

By admin

Director at the American School of Warsaw