This last week has been a blast! From playing LOTS of football to camping with family and friends. First of all, if all of you didn’t know, my family and I have just arrived in University Place, Washington. We plan to spend our summer break here, and stay until early August. My summer here will be eventful and fun-filled. So far, I have gone to the campground in the small town of Belfair and stayed with my Cousins and friends there for about 5 days. It had to be one of my favorite camping trips of all. I had countless fun moments there, from playing lacrosse to eating sweets in the tent that we shared. I’m sure we all had a blast. One of my favorite things to do there was to play a game called Navias with everyone. This is a Football game, which involves scoring of crosses, volleys and headers with a fun twist. It was a unique game which had many fun surprises! With all this, I’m still keeping athletic and fit, so I’ll keep everyone updated! 🙂 Talk to you soon.
Belfair is Awesome!
For the past few days me and my brother Jaisen went to a camp ground named Belfair. We went with my uncles family, my cousin’s godparent’s family, and my friend. We go there every year to celebrate my aunts b-day which is on the 4th of July. Since we spent the past year in Moscow we were very anxious to go while we were back. When me and my brother found out we were going we were so ecstatic. So on that day we hurried home packed our bags and hurried over to Belfair. Even though it took 40 minutes to get there it was worth it. When we first got there we were a little bit shy since we just got back from Russia. But after a few minutes we opened up and had a blast. My favorite part was when we had a seaweed fight. Basically what you do is you separate into teams and you find seaweed and throw at the other team. The teams were The Zurfluhs VS. The Non-Zurfluhs.  It was soooooo much fun! But one bad thing was that both teams had to walk back to the camp ground all slimy and fishy. Good thing I got to shower. Another one of my favorite parts was when all of the kids went to the store. Near Belfair there is this mini market that has an antique store next to it. So what we like to do is we go there and stock up on all sorts of stuff to eat in the tent. I still have a lot of candy but kids are kids right? Basically what I’m trying to tell you is I had a lot of FUN!