This last week has been a blast! From playing LOTS of football to camping with family and friends. First of all, if all of you didn’t know, my family and I have just arrived in University Place, Washington. We plan to spend our summer break here, and stay until early August. My summer here will be eventful and fun-filled. So far, I have gone to the campground in the small town of Belfair and stayed with my Cousins and friends there for about 5 days. It had to be one of my favorite camping trips of all. I had countless fun moments there, from playing lacrosse to eating sweets in the tent that we shared. I’m sure we all had a blast. One of my favorite things to do there was to play a game called Navias with everyone. This is a Football game, which involves scoring of crosses, volleys and headers with a fun twist. It was a unique game which had many fun surprises! With all this, I’m still keeping athletic and fit, so I’ll keep everyone updated! 🙂 Talk to you soon.