Sorting shoes

During math inquiry, KZE students explored ways to classify (sort) objects into different categories.  Students took off their shoes and Mrs Zurfluh sorted the shoes into various groups.  The children identified why they thought the shoes were in the groups eg Velcro, laces and slip on shoes.

Then students sorted their own shoes into 3 different groups of their own choice and explained the reasons why they had put their shoes into 1 of the 3 groups.

The first group, children reasoned that:
Safiya – “all the shoes are black.”
Amie – “the shoes are all black and have Velcro.”
Gabriela – “the shoes all have Velcro.”
Alexandra – “the shoes are all black and have Velcro.”
Ada – “the shoes are all black and have Velcro.”
Veronika – “the shoes are all black.”

The second group
Alex – “I put my shoes in this group because they are all big shoes”
Tim – “I put my shoes into this group because they have Velcro.”

The third group contained Mrs Zurfluh’s slip on shoes.

Tomasz and Tim were unsure of why they had put their shoes into the second group.  Tim and Gabriela felt that maybe they were all medium sized shoes but the rest of the students did not agree. We then decided to put Tomasz’s crocs into the 3rd group with the slip on shoes.
Alex and Altai said:” the first group was open shoes, the second group was closed shoes with laces and the third group were slip on shoes.

But Tomasz definitely did not think his shoes belonged in that group although they did not have Velcro or laces!  So Mrs. Zurfluh put Tomasz’s and Tim’s shoes into second group and asked: “What about this?”

Children thought for a long time.  Safir then suggested that it will work because the first group was girls’ shoes and the second group was boys’ shoes!  Ada agreed with this.

At the end, students noticed that we can sort things into different groups in many different ways as long as we can explain why.

Kindergarten 2014-2015 Parents – How to Unsubscribe

Dear Parents of Recent KZE Graduates,

We hope you enjoyed a wonderful summer holiday ad are settling into the new school year.

If you are subscribed to our KZE Blog, you will have received this post as a message in an email. You may now be considering whether or not you want to continue to receive emails from our class each time we post something new on our Blog. You are welcome to at your discretion.  If you have decided you don’t, then simply click on the link near the bottom (in the email) to “Unsubscribe.”

We appreciated your support last year and wish you all the best. I always look forward to hearing about how your child continues to grow and learn in Grade One and beyond!

Best Regards,

Mrs. Zurfluh

Have a great summer, KZE!!!

Following are photos for our summer field day.

It has been a great year KZE! You have worked hard and played hard. Thank you for all the efforts you have put in your learning. Thank you to all parents for your home support. Most importantly, thank you for allowing us to be part of your child’s learning journey. We truly enjoyed our time together. We will miss Scarlett, Emerson, Lizzy, Lisa and their families as they move onto their next adventures. We wish them all the best.

Wish you all a wonderful summer!

Mrs. Zurfluh & Ms. Tracey


Emerson, Trace, and Hannes wanted to measure different things including their shadows during math time. Other students wanted to join in. One sunny morning, KZE students went out to the playground and tried to measure their shadows. They worked with a partner to decide what to use and how to record the information. All groups completed their mission.

Not quite yet. In the early afternoon, Mrs. Zurfluh said to the children: “We are going to measure our shadows again. What do you think will happen? Will our shadows be the same, longer, or shorter than shadows in the morning? Why?” Most children predicted that the shadows in the afternoon will be longer than the mornings because we ate our snack and lunch and we grew. Some students thought they will be the same because we won’t grow that fast.

So they went out to measure their shadows again, standing at the same spot we measured in the morning. After gathering all the record, they noticed that the shadows in the afternoon were shorter than the morning’s. Students were quite surprised by the finding. They were not sure WHY?

The next day, Mrs. Zurfluh gave students a flashlight and a block and said: “I would like you to explore and experiment with these objects and see if you can make some connections of why the shadows in the afternoon are shorter than shadows in the morning.” Students worked in groups to explore. Then they shared their thinking with the whole class. Some meaningful debates occurred:

Group 1 – Kyle, Daisy, Freddie and Hannes
Kyle: “We think that since it was morning the sun was closer to Moscow and it was brighter. So the shadows are bigger. In the afternoon the sun has moved away from Moscow, so the shadows get shorter.”
Scarlett: “How does the sun move closer and further?”
Kyle: “Because it is moving around the earth.”
Emerson: “But how is this possible if the sun stays on the same straight line?”
Mrs. Zurfluh: “Does the sun move or does the Earth move?”
Emerson: “Ah! So then it’s the earth that moves!”
Daisy: “When it is bright, it is morning. The shadow is big. When it is afternoon, the shadow is smaller, and the sun is not bright.”
Lisa: “Why does the shadows go smaller in the afternoon and bigger in the morning?”
Daisy: “In the morning it’s brighter and the earth is closer to the sun. In the afternoon it is further from the sun.”
Kyle: “The earth rotates away from the sun and the shadow is smaller.”

Group 2 – Liam, Lisa, Michael and Safiya
Lisa: “ We noticed that the shadow falls across the table but we are not sure why.”
Michael: “We noticed that if we move the flashlight over the block, the shadow gets smaller.”
Liam, “When our shadows are bigger the sun was shining on our backs. But as the sun went higher, our shadows got smaller.”
Lisa: “When you go closer, the shadow is bigger. The further away, the smaller the shadow.”
Lizzy: “But how do you know this? I don’t understand.”
Emerson: “We don’t really know this, we are experimenting.”
Kyle: “It is a possibility. It may happen.”

Group 3 – Trace, Scarlett, Emerson and Lizzy
Emerson, “We noticed the same as Group 2 but we also noticed something else. When the sun is high we get short shadows, when the sun is low the shadows are longer.”
Lizzy, “We noticed that from the side, its bigger. And from the top, it is shorter.”

As our debates came to the end, students all wondered how and where they can find the answer to the question “Why shadows in the morning are longer than shadows in the afternoon?” They agreed to continue the search for the answers. Their inquiry continues…

“How The World Works” year long unit of inquiry

During our year-long “How the World Works” unit, KZE students observed changes over time.
They noticed that:
Lizzy: “I noticed the changes happened to ourselves.”
Lisa: “some changes happened with non-living things. Some changes happened with living things.”
Liam:” Changes happened in the nature.”
Scarlett:” Changes happened in different seasons. Most of the changes I wrote down were inside the classroom.”
Kyle:” Changes happened all around us.”
Daisy: “The forest changed at different time of the year. We changed from Pre-k to K”
Michael:” I noticed time changed, and the months changed.”
Emerson: “Changes even happened inside us.”
Trace: “I noticed that all the changes are different.”
Fatima”I was small, now I am bigger. We have grown.”
Safiya: “I noticed that our caterpillars have changed.”
Hannes: “I noticed that the calendar changed.”
Freddie: “I noticed that the months in the calendar changed.”

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Students noticed that some changes happened once or twice, and some changes happened again and again and in a pattern (cycle). They enjoyed recording and explaining one of the earth cycles – seasons.

Students made connections between earth’s changes and patterns of behaviors in living things related to these changes. They created a poster to show their understanding. They first sorted the changes into groups – ourselves, nature, environment, and time,etc. Then they brainstormed on what living things do when nature/environment or time changes.

Daisy: “In December, there was snow and it was cold. Birds fly to warm places. In May, we have no snow and it is warm. The birds come back.”
Emerson: “First, my green bean was a seed, now it is a plant. It will grow until it is green bean for me to eat.”
Fatima: “The caterpillar have grown into butterfly. The other animals may eat the butterfly.”
Freddie: “Some animals hide when there is snow. When the snow is gone, the animals come out.”
Hannes: “The plants grow. The bees come to the flowers and eat pollen.”
Kyle: “In December, it was cold. Bears go to sleep. Now it is hot, the snow has melted. The bears come out and eat other animals.”
Lisa: “When it was December, it was cold. Animals hide and hibernate. When it is May, it is warm. Birds come back and animals come back too.”
Liam: ” In spring, the grass and flowers grow. The flowers are food for bees and bugs. They eat the flowers so that they can grow.”
Lizzy: ” The caterpillar can make a cocoon and turn into a butterfly. Then other animals eat the butterfly for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner.”
Michael: “It is cold in December. People have to wear warm coats. Now it is warm and we don’t need coats.”
Safiya: “Now the leaves come out. The birds come back to make nests.”
Scarlett: “There were lots of snow before. Some animals hibernated because it was cold. Now there is no snow. Animals come out because it is hot.”
Trace: “In the winter, the trees are dead and now they are not. Some living things hibernate in the winter and other living things don’t because they like the winter.”

As we wrapped up this unit, KZE students demonstrated a better understanding of how the natural environment and humans interact.

Reflective Learners…

KZE students spent some time reflecting on how they have grown as writers. They compared a piece of writing completed early in the year with the one completed recently. They identified what they used to do, what they can do now, and what they want to get better at. They took the ownership of setting goals for future improvement. We are all very proud of the progress they have made. Here are some of their reflection:

Daisy: “I used to write messy. I can’t re-read my writing. I didn’t leave spaces. Now I can write neatly, I can understand my writing. I leave finger spaces. I write slowly and carefully. I want to get better at leaving smaller spaces and writing some letters better.”

Emerson: “I did not use spaces and people could not read my writing. I could not write neatly and I could not write words correctly. Now I can use spaces, can write neatly and can write words correctly and people can read my writing. I want to get better at listening to all the sounds in the words and write them down.”

Fatima: “I used to write with details, but I could not re-read what I wrote. Now I use spaces and write good. I want to get better at writing.”

Freddie: “Before, I only used upper case letters, no finger space,and can not sound out words. Now I can use upper and lower case letters, use finger spaces, sound out words and use snap words.”

Hannes: ” I didn’t use labels. Now I add details in my writing. I leave finger spaces. I want to get better at writing by adding more details.”

Kyle: “I used to skip spaces when I write. People can’t read my writing. Now, I can leave spaces between words. I can sound out words so people can read. I use end punctuation at the end of sentences. I want to get better at spell words correctly.”

Liam: “I didn’t used words before. Now I can use lots of words and leave finger spaces. I add lots of details. I want to get better at writing neatly.”

Lisa: “I used to spell plant as ‘plat’. I used less details. I used to scribble scrabble. Now I can spell most words correctly. I also add lots of details. I write neatly. I want to get better at spelling difficult word.”

Lizzy: “I can not re-read my writing. I did not use much details in my writing. Now I can put lots of details.”

Michael: “I used to write not that good. Now I try to spell words, use labels, and leave finger spaces. I want to get better at writing difficult words.”

Scarlett:”Before I could not re-read my writing, I used to write my name and other words in upper case, I used to write ‘plants’ as ‘pla’ and I used to write ‘stem’ as ‘sueso’! Now I sound out all my letters and can spell them correctly. Now I can write better, I use punctuation and write a lot of details. I want to get better at writing and also knowing where to put a silent ‘e’.”

Trace:”I used to write really bad – like I can’t write at all! Now I can write like a writer and I am like the best writer in the class. I want to get better at writing the words right, using finger spaces all the time and also putting more details.”


Our inquiry story starts with…
“It is very hot today!” “How hot is it?”
“How can we find out?”
“Measure it!”
“Use a thermometer!”

So We watched a video on how to use a thermometer. Then we practiced using the thermometer to measure the temperature in the classroom. We talked about how to record the temperature – in a chart. After that, we went outside to measure and record the temperatures in sunny places and shady places. After coming back to the classroom, we looked at our recording sheets and noticed that:
Michael: “I noticed that the temperatures are different.”
Lizzy: “I noticed that some temperatures are higher than others.”
Kyle: “Higher is hotter and shorter is colder. When it is sunny the temperature goes up and when it is cold, the temperature goes down.”
Scarlett: “I noticed that some of the temperatures are the same.”

After more discussion, we agreed that the temperatures in sunny places are higher than shady places. But WHY???
Daisy: “The sun can’t really get to the shady places because the sun is up, not sideways and if there is a roof, it is colder.”
Scarlett: “The sun can’t get into tunnels so it is colder.”
Trace: “The sun can get to sunny places but it can’t get to shady places because they are in the way.”
Lizzy: “The sun is in space and the planets go around it.”
Lisa: “The temperature is higher because the sun is hot and makes things warm. It brings heat.”
Kyle: “So Lisa, you are saying that the sun is like fire?”
Daisy: “The sun is made out of fire. It is yellow and looks like fire.”

Our research continues…

Highlight of the week…

We reviewed measurement, graphing, and data handling. Students noticed that they are taller than last time we measured them. So we decided to measure how tall they are now and then find out how many centimeters they have grown.  They recorded their results on a graph. Finally, we looked at the graph and interpreted the information from the chart:


  • Six people grew 5 cm, three people grew 6 cm, three people grew 4 cm, and one person grew 4 1/2 cm
  • Most people have grown about 5 cm
  • Everyone in KZE has grown

During writing workshop, we started a new unit on information writing.kaymbu-image-20150504-1212We reviewed and sorted fiction and non-fiction (information) books.  Then we looked at real-life samples of different information writings including cookbooks, Lego instruction, “how to” books, and brochures. We had discussions about why people create information writing (to teach others to do things, make things or give information). We all agreed that we should learn from other writers on how to do information writing. After studying some mentor texts and sharing our observations, we created a chart that will help us to do our own.

Unit of Inquiry
During our unit of Inquiry, the concepts and characteristics of living and non-living things have been introduced and emphasized – e.g. living things grow, change, move, eat, use their senses, and produce offspring.  Students were able to distinguish living and non-living things by finding examples in our environment.  We also discussed what living things need to survive.  We learned that they need water, food, sun, air, and shelter.  Our nature walk provided an opportunity for children to make connections between what they have learned and real world experience. Students enjoyed observing various plants, flowers, and small insects.  Conversations of what might happen if we step on a plant or pick the leaves off a plant emerged.  They became more aware of the great impact of their actions on plants and animals around us.

We also observed closely the five crickets in our classroom. We recorded our observation in our journal. On Monday, we noticed that two crickets had died. One was in the water and one on the rock. We thought that the one in the water was drown, and the one on the rock was because either it was too old, or it had no food, or it fought with another cricket because its antenna was broken. We did some research on how to take care of a cricket and found out about putting a tissue in the cup with less water, feed them lettuce and carrot, put soil in the container for them to lay eggs.  We found all the things we need for the crickets.  We are observing them every day to see how they grow and its life cycle.

Inquiry into music and movement…

At the end of the unit of inquiry “How We Express Ourselves”, KZE students made a connection after reading books of “Firebird” by Caldecott Honoree and “What A Wonderful World” by Bob Thiele and George Weiss. They noticed that people can also use music and movement to express feelings and ideas. They decided to try to create their own music.

Here are the highlight of their inquiry process:

Group 1 (Kyle, Safiya, Daisy, Freddie)
This group decided to write their own rap song. They tried very hard to come up with words that rhyme with their names. Then they chose their instrument – Kyle with beat boxing, Daisy with piano, Freddie with triangle. During the rehearsal, Kyle changed his mind and decided to use guitar instead of making sound with his voice. They also came up with a plan on how to perform: they took turn to play the instrument and say their line. At the end, they all said the line while playing instrument altogether at the same time. They learned that “it was hard to play as a band because we needed to practice our instruments so that we can play really good.”

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Group 2 (Fatima, Lisa, Michael, Liam)
This group came up with a plan on who is playing what instrument. They also tried to come up with ideas on where to find the instruments that they need. However, during rehearsal time, they realized that they didn’t plan on how to make the music. So they had to spend more time on the planning. Their plan was for Fatima and Liam to play at the same time, Michael and Lisa on their own. After individual performance, all of them came back together and played at the same time. They noticed that it was OK to change their plan because sometimes the plan didn’t work that well.

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Group 3 (Emerson, Scarlett, Lizzy, Trace)
This group also decided to make their own music. After they chose their instrument, they disagreed on how to create the music. After some serious discussion, they were able to listen to other’s thinking and ideas and created a plan that they were all happy with. During the rehearsal, they noticed that some of them needed more practice with the instrument. After they listen to the recording, they didn’t like the music. So they had more conversation about the project and chose to re-do it again. They thought that it was easier to create music without the paper. They also realized that when they played together, the music sounded better when they all followed the lead of a keyboard. They agreed that they needed to work together for the music to sound good.

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