Have a great summer, KZE!!!

Following are photos for our summer field day.

It has been a great year KZE! You have worked hard and played hard. Thank you for all the efforts you have put in your learning. Thank you to all parents for your home support. Most importantly, thank you for allowing us to be part of your child’s learning journey. We truly enjoyed our time together. We will miss Scarlett, Emerson, Lizzy, Lisa and their families as they move onto their next adventures. We wish them all the best.

Wish you all a wonderful summer!

Mrs. Zurfluh & Ms. Tracey

Reflective Learners…

KZE students spent some time reflecting on how they have grown as writers. They compared a piece of writing completed early in the year with the one completed recently. They identified what they used to do, what they can do now, and what they want to get better at. They took the ownership of setting goals for future improvement. We are all very proud of the progress they have made. Here are some of their reflection:

Daisy: “I used to write messy. I can’t re-read my writing. I didn’t leave spaces. Now I can write neatly, I can understand my writing. I leave finger spaces. I write slowly and carefully. I want to get better at leaving smaller spaces and writing some letters better.”

Emerson: “I did not use spaces and people could not read my writing. I could not write neatly and I could not write words correctly. Now I can use spaces, can write neatly and can write words correctly and people can read my writing. I want to get better at listening to all the sounds in the words and write them down.”

Fatima: “I used to write with details, but I could not re-read what I wrote. Now I use spaces and write good. I want to get better at writing.”

Freddie: “Before, I only used upper case letters, no finger space,and can not sound out words. Now I can use upper and lower case letters, use finger spaces, sound out words and use snap words.”

Hannes: ” I didn’t use labels. Now I add details in my writing. I leave finger spaces. I want to get better at writing by adding more details.”

Kyle: “I used to skip spaces when I write. People can’t read my writing. Now, I can leave spaces between words. I can sound out words so people can read. I use end punctuation at the end of sentences. I want to get better at spell words correctly.”

Liam: “I didn’t used words before. Now I can use lots of words and leave finger spaces. I add lots of details. I want to get better at writing neatly.”

Lisa: “I used to spell plant as ‘plat’. I used less details. I used to scribble scrabble. Now I can spell most words correctly. I also add lots of details. I write neatly. I want to get better at spelling difficult word.”

Lizzy: “I can not re-read my writing. I did not use much details in my writing. Now I can put lots of details.”

Michael: “I used to write not that good. Now I try to spell words, use labels, and leave finger spaces. I want to get better at writing difficult words.”

Scarlett:”Before I could not re-read my writing, I used to write my name and other words in upper case, I used to write ‘plants’ as ‘pla’ and I used to write ‘stem’ as ‘sueso’! Now I sound out all my letters and can spell them correctly. Now I can write better, I use punctuation and write a lot of details. I want to get better at writing and also knowing where to put a silent ‘e’.”

Trace:”I used to write really bad – like I can’t write at all! Now I can write like a writer and I am like the best writer in the class. I want to get better at writing the words right, using finger spaces all the time and also putting more details.”

Highlight of the week…

We reviewed measurement, graphing, and data handling. Students noticed that they are taller than last time we measured them. So we decided to measure how tall they are now and then find out how many centimeters they have grown.  They recorded their results on a graph. Finally, we looked at the graph and interpreted the information from the chart:


  • Six people grew 5 cm, three people grew 6 cm, three people grew 4 cm, and one person grew 4 1/2 cm
  • Most people have grown about 5 cm
  • Everyone in KZE has grown

During writing workshop, we started a new unit on information writing.kaymbu-image-20150504-1212We reviewed and sorted fiction and non-fiction (information) books.  Then we looked at real-life samples of different information writings including cookbooks, Lego instruction, “how to” books, and brochures. We had discussions about why people create information writing (to teach others to do things, make things or give information). We all agreed that we should learn from other writers on how to do information writing. After studying some mentor texts and sharing our observations, we created a chart that will help us to do our own.

Unit of Inquiry
During our unit of Inquiry, the concepts and characteristics of living and non-living things have been introduced and emphasized – e.g. living things grow, change, move, eat, use their senses, and produce offspring.  Students were able to distinguish living and non-living things by finding examples in our environment.  We also discussed what living things need to survive.  We learned that they need water, food, sun, air, and shelter.  Our nature walk provided an opportunity for children to make connections between what they have learned and real world experience. Students enjoyed observing various plants, flowers, and small insects.  Conversations of what might happen if we step on a plant or pick the leaves off a plant emerged.  They became more aware of the great impact of their actions on plants and animals around us.

We also observed closely the five crickets in our classroom. We recorded our observation in our journal. On Monday, we noticed that two crickets had died. One was in the water and one on the rock. We thought that the one in the water was drown, and the one on the rock was because either it was too old, or it had no food, or it fought with another cricket because its antenna was broken. We did some research on how to take care of a cricket and found out about putting a tissue in the cup with less water, feed them lettuce and carrot, put soil in the container for them to lay eggs.  We found all the things we need for the crickets.  We are observing them every day to see how they grow and its life cycle.

Field trip to the New Tretyakov Gallery & Sculpture Garden

In support of our “How We Express Ourselves” unit of inquiry, KZE students visited the New Tretyakov Gallery and Sculpture Garden. They enjoyed looking at and examining different types of artworks with focuses on what is the artist’s intent (what the artist is trying to express), what the artwork makes them think about, and how they think the artist created the artwork – what tools and mediums did they use. This experience deepened student’s understanding of how artists experiment and use different tools/medium to express their feelings, ideas, and thinking. At the beginning of the unit, students shared their understanding on “What is art?”  After all the explorations and experiments, students reflected on their learning experience and shared their new understanding:

“Art is painting and being messy.”

” Artists make artwork that is beautiful.”

“Art is a way that artists get you to think.”

” Art is making sculptures, painting, and beautiful artwork.”

“Art is people looking at the artwork and think about the artist’s intent.”

“Art is a way to express yourselves with painting and sculptures.”

“Art is beautiful.”

“Art is a messy painting.”

“Artists work hard to create artwork.”

“Art is painting, drawing, making sculptures.”

“Art is also a way to express your feelings, ideas, and thinking.”

“Artists use different tools and mediums.”

“Artists sometimes trace their bodies to make body tracing art.”

Winter Field Day

KZE students enjoyed the Winter Field Day today. They played many different games out in the snow and had so much fun!!!

Trace: It is fun. I like it. I was excited to do all the stations. My favorite was the black diamond rescue.
Fatima: We were drinking hot chocolate and we were going from station to station. It was very fun.
Daisy: I like it because we got to play cats in the corner and other fun games.
Emerson: I like the sled racing because I went fast on the sled.
Kyle: I think it is fun because I was very excited doing all the fun games. My favorite was the snowball tag and sledding down the hill.
Lisa: I like the sled racing because it is fun and I get to play with my teacher and friends.
Liam: I like the sledding down the hill even though I didn’t make it up to the hill. If the rocks were bigger, I would make it all up the hill.
Freddie: I like the games because there were lots of games and I like to play the snowball tag. It was very fun.

The week of January 19 – 23, 2015

KZE students started ice skating during PE on Mondays. To some, it is their first time on ice, while to others, they are “Old hands.” However, they are not shy sharing their thinking about ice skating:IMG_0607

I don’t like ice skating because it is very hard for me. – Liam
I LOVE it because it is so much fun. I learn how to glide. – Emerson
I don’t like ice skating because I fall down when I go on the ice. – Scarlett
I love ice skating because I like go on the ice and walk. – Hannes
I like ice skating because it is fun when you get to practice. – Daisy
I learned how to ice skate. – Lizzy
I love ice skating because I learned how to skate fast. – Trace
I don’t like ice skating because when I fall down, it hurts. – Freddie
I love ice skating because I get to run around and it is fun. – Kyle
I learned how to kick the ball on ice. – Charlie
I learned how to play football on ice. – Lisa

Even though some like ice skating more than others, they all agreed that they need to practice if they want to get better.
Thank you to all parents who helped and will be helping with ice skating. Your support are much appreciated!!!

During our Unit of Inquiry this week, students enthusiastically shared letters from their kaymbu-image-20150122-1253grandparents. Through our discussion and sharing, especially because of the pictures that were sent in, students developed a deeper understanding of what the “Old Days” were like and identified what has changed between then and now. Thank you for all of your help at home facilitating this activity. Students also had fun exploring the “Then Museum” in our discovery room. They tried very hard to figure out some of the old toys/games and appliances/equipment with questions of “What does this tell us?”, “What do you think this does?”, and “How does this work?.” They tried to use their observation, communication, and critical thinking skills to make sense of the things that are not familiar to them.

Happy holidays…

A big “THANK YOU” to Ms. Tina and all the parents who help organized our class holiday party.  We had a great time.

This week, we said “goodbye” to Max who will be moving with his family.  We will miss you Max!  We wish you all the best in your next adventure.

We read a holiday story “Christmas Daddy and Hanukkah Mama.”  KZE students had another intense discussion about whether Santa is real.  Here are some of their thinking:
I think Santa is real if you believe in him. – Daisy
I think Santa is real because he drops off presents at my grandparents’ house. – Emerson
I think Santa is real because I saw him two times in Finland. But I don’t know if the reindeers can fly because I didn’t see them fly. – Trace
I think Santa is real because he brought gifts for my parents. – Lisa
I think Santa is real because my mom knows where to give the list to him. – Max
I know that Santa is real because I saw Santa at my dad’s work. – Lizzy
I believe in Santa because every Christmas he brings me present. – Scarlett
I don’t believe Santa is real because once my parents and me watched a movie about a man who knows everything. And he told us that Santa is not real. – Liam
I think that is a fake movie. I think that man is not smart. – Students
I wonder why Santa always comes by himself. – Daisy
I wonder who is going to be on the nice list and who is going to be on the naughty list.- students

We will let our inquirers continue their wonders…


Following is the link to our winter concert.


Wish you all a happy holiday. See you in the new year!!!

Dramatic Play…


We are working at the restaurant. People come to eat. We made food for other people. Mrs. Zurfluh was one of the customers. We took orders from customers. We made our own menu so people can order food. Emerson was the cashier, Daisy and Lisa were the chefs, Michael and Max were the customers, and Kyle was the waiter…



We are playing school. We took turn to be the teacher. We did some writing, drawing. We had PE lesson. We did pushups, jumping jacks, crab walks. We read some books. We learned how to draw a person. We did some counting. When Lizzy finished showing us how to draw a person on the board, we tried to draw a person by ourselves.


Halloween Party…

KZE students had a great time at the Halloween party.  A big “THANK YOU” to Ms. Tina (Lizzy’s mom) and other parents who helped organizing the party.

Collaborative inquiry into math…

KZE students had a discussion about how we can use counting skills in our daily lives. We came up with a list of things that we can count. We voted the three things we like to count the most and formed our inquiry groups. Each group came up with a plan/strategy first and then went to work. After that we came back and shared what we had discovered.

Group 1
Our first plan: two people recorded the first floor, two people recorded the second floor, two people recorded the third floor and all of us recorded the fourth floor.  When we came back together and tried to find out the total number, we noticed that everybody had a different total.  We realized that our first plan didn’t work well. So we came up with another strategy. All of us recorded every drinking fountain that we saw.  When we came back after the second try, most of us had the same total: 20.  We decided that our second plan worked better. It helped us to find the correct answer.


Group 2
Our plan was: use two different strategies to be sure we count the classrooms in ES properly.  We decided to put sticker on the schedule of each classroom in ES. Then we took those stickers off and count them. We got 34 stickers.  We also used the other strategy at the same time: one of us was writing down the numbers of the classrooms. Then we counted the numbers and got 31. So we decided to make double check with the numbers. We wrote down the numbers of the classrooms, count them and got 35. Then checked thoroughly and found out that we put in the list one number twice. So we got 34 numbers of the classrooms.  Our strategy with the stickers worked properly from the first time, but the strategy with writing the numbers needed the double check.


Group 3
Our Plan: We decided the safest way to count cars in the Main Car Park was to work as team and stay together counting only the cars on the left side where there was a sidewalk. We used tally marks to record the number of cars and we also put a tile in front of each car as we went along to check our answer on the way back.  Once we reached the end of the sidewalk we counted up our tally marks and had a total of 32 cars. We walked back picking up and counting the tiles we had left behind. One car had gone so although we counted 32 tiles, there were really only 31 cars left in the car park at the end of the exercise.
