
KZE students learned to observe and share their opinions about art during our “How We Express Ourselves” unit of inquiry. Then they used what they noticed and extended to the learning of “Opinion Writing” – share their opinions (thinking) and tell reasons why. Following is the link to the folders (they worked with their book buddies) where they documented their opinions about “reading buddy”.


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How The World Works

As we are getting closer to the end of the school year, we try to help students reflect on their learning experiences from our year-long “How the World Works” unit of inquiry. KZE students observed changes over time.

They noticed that:
Ada: “The snow is gone. Everything was white and now everything is green.”
Alex: “Animals changed too. Because when they grow, they get bigger”
Alexandra: “The temperature changed. Then the ducks go away and come back.”
Altai: “The pond is not frozen. The ducks came back.”
Emmi: “It is warmer so the worms can come out. There were no worms when there was snow.”
Gabi: “The seasons changed. It caused the temperature changed.”
Julia: “We changed too. We grow.”
Mali: “The weather changes and gets warmer so all the animals and birds come out.”
Nick: “I noticed that houses get older and it can change too.”
Safir: “I noticed it is warmer and when it is warmer everything grows like the flowers, trees, grass, bugs and birds.”
Soeun: “I see that before we were bit smaller and now we are bigger.”
Tim: “We changed. Last time we were small. Now all of us grew.”
Tomasz: “Leaves changed colors.”

After sharing our noticing, students tried to make connections between earth’s cycles/changes and behaviors in living things. They can explain what living things do when changes occurred.

KZE students demonstrated their understanding of an earth’s cycle with drawings and writings.

As we wrapped up this unit, KZE students demonstrated a better understanding of how the Earth’s cycles/changes influence the activities of living things.