Reading Workshop in KZE

Reading in KZE, what is it like? Here is what the kids think:

Safir: ” We are reading and reading and reading!!!”
Alexandra : “Reading is great fun! Everyone loves reading.”
Ada: “Never stop reading!”
Altai: “We are going to get smarter and smarter by reading.”
Alex:” When you read and read and read, you get better and better. You can share with others what you learned. Reading is the best in the whole world.”
Gabi: “When you read, you learn more and more, and then you can become a teacher.”
Julia:” When you read, you learn all the words.”
Seok: “We read everyday in KZE.”
Veronika: “When we read, we read out loud. It is lots of fun.”
Amie: “It is fun reading in KZE!”
Nick: “After Mrs. Zurfluh read us a book, we all talked about what we noticed and what we learned from the book.”
Mali: “When you read, it is lots of fun and you can learn many things. You can tell your mom and dad.”
Tim: “If you read, you learn something.”

The following video tried to capture the reading moments in KZE.

Counting strategies…

After emptying all the seeds from our pumpkin, We wondered how many seeds we have. We decided to count and find out. But first, we had to come up with a strategy.

Group 1’s strategy: (Ada, Nick, Tomasz, Altai, and Emmi)
This group decided to count the seeds by 10s. They made small piles of 10 and then combined them into a large pile when they had 10 piles of 10 or 100 seeds altogether. Finally they added the groups of 100 together. This group had a total number of seeds after their first attempt at counting.

Group 2’s strategy: (Safir, Tim, Soeun, Alexandra, and Julia)
Each person got a pile of pumpkin seeds. They took turns to count their own pile of seeds. The first person counted their seeds and then the second person continued starting with the next number and so on.

Group 3’s strategy: (Alex, Amie, Gabi, Veronika, and Soek)
This group also counted by 10s. They sorted the seeds into piles of 10 and when they had 10 piles or 100 seeds altogether they put them into a bowl.

After counting, each group shared their results and strategies.

What we noticed about our strategies:
Ada: “Group 1 and 3 had similar strategies by counting in 10s either putting each 100 seeds into a bowl or pile.”

We agreed that counting by 10’s is an easier way when counting many objects. We will continue to explore different strategies in the coming months.