
Pokrovsky Hills Community Walk:

In support our “How We Organize Ourselves” unit of inquiry, KZE students went on exploring the Pokrovsky Hills community next to our school with the questions of “What jobs do you see people do in a community?” and “What do we need in a community?”

After our trip, we did some reflection and shared what we had noticed. Then we sorted all the things we saw into different categories.   

Houses, mailboxes, garbage cans, decorations, cars, playground, trees, maps, leaves, gate, camera, and delivery truck.

Maintenance place, doctor’s office, daycare center, store, security guard office, and community center.

Delivery man, cleaners,teacher, and security guards.

We brainstormed and created a list of what is missing at the Pokrovsky Hills community and what we need in a community:
Mail man, mail truck, garbage truck, water truck, flower shop, pickup truck, bus station, hospital, zoo, taxi station, shoes store, clothes store, fish market, airport, helicopter station, decoration store, pet store, pond, university, Café, library, candy store, bakery, book store, toy store, fire station, and office building.

This list will help us when we plan our model community. Students are very excited about designing and creating our own model community.

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