As we wrapped up our “Who We Are” unit of inquiry, students reflected on what they have learned these past several weeks.
Altai – ‘Even if we are different we can be friends. Alex is smaller than me but we are still friends.’
Alex – ‘There are always new children in the school – some are boys and some are girls.’
Tomasz – ‘People are all different.’
Amie – ‘People can live in different countries and different houses. We can be different.’
Ada – ‘I can be different and it’s ok.’
Safir – ‘Everyone is different – some people have long hair and some people have short hair.’
Julia – ‘It’s alright if we are different.’
Tim – ‘Not everyone is the same.’
Soeun – ‘I am different to Julia but I like her a lot.’
Alexandra – ‘Amie has black hair and I have blonde hair.’
Seok – ‘People are the same sometimes. We don’t like the same things sometimes.’
Veronika – ‘People are different because they have different moms and dads.’
Nick – ‘We all like to do different things.’
Gabi – ‘We can try new things.’
After reading the book “It Is OK to be Different” by Todd Parr, KZE students decided to make our own “It Is OK” book. They continued to demonstrate their deeper understanding of “similarities, differences, and acceptance.”
KZE – What a wonderful project!! Loved hearing all of your ideas!! What a wonderful way to show “Respect of Self” — thoughtful and engaging!
Mr. Z
I want to watch it again!!!
I like the video. My friends wanted to watch it again and again but Mrs. Zurfluh said we could watch it at home with our famlies. That is exactly what we did, I watched it at home with my family and everyone really liked seeing me and my friends talk about what we like that are different.