
Our inquiry story starts with…
“It is very hot today!” “How hot is it?”
“How can we find out?”
“Measure it!”
“Use a thermometer!”

So We watched a video on how to use a thermometer. Then we practiced using the thermometer to measure the temperature in the classroom. We talked about how to record the temperature – in a chart. After that, we went outside to measure and record the temperatures in sunny places and shady places. After coming back to the classroom, we looked at our recording sheets and noticed that:
Michael: “I noticed that the temperatures are different.”
Lizzy: “I noticed that some temperatures are higher than others.”
Kyle: “Higher is hotter and shorter is colder. When it is sunny the temperature goes up and when it is cold, the temperature goes down.”
Scarlett: “I noticed that some of the temperatures are the same.”

After more discussion, we agreed that the temperatures in sunny places are higher than shady places. But WHY???
Daisy: “The sun can’t really get to the shady places because the sun is up, not sideways and if there is a roof, it is colder.”
Scarlett: “The sun can’t get into tunnels so it is colder.”
Trace: “The sun can get to sunny places but it can’t get to shady places because they are in the way.”
Lizzy: “The sun is in space and the planets go around it.”
Lisa: “The temperature is higher because the sun is hot and makes things warm. It brings heat.”
Kyle: “So Lisa, you are saying that the sun is like fire?”
Daisy: “The sun is made out of fire. It is yellow and looks like fire.”

Our research continues…


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