Winter Field Day

KZE students enjoyed the Winter Field Day today. They played many different games out in the snow and had so much fun!!!

Trace: It is fun. I like it. I was excited to do all the stations. My favorite was the black diamond rescue.
Fatima: We were drinking hot chocolate and we were going from station to station. It was very fun.
Daisy: I like it because we got to play cats in the corner and other fun games.
Emerson: I like the sled racing because I went fast on the sled.
Kyle: I think it is fun because I was very excited doing all the fun games. My favorite was the snowball tag and sledding down the hill.
Lisa: I like the sled racing because it is fun and I get to play with my teacher and friends.
Liam: I like the sledding down the hill even though I didn’t make it up to the hill. If the rocks were bigger, I would make it all up the hill.
Freddie: I like the games because there were lots of games and I like to play the snowball tag. It was very fun.

100 paper chain…

In celebrating the 100 day of school, KZE students came up with activities that are 100 related. One of the activities was using 100 paper strips to make a paper chain. Before starting, each group came up with a plan on how to keep track of numbers. Then they put the paper strips together to make the paper chains. At last, they did reflection on how their plan worked. Following (and the video) documented student’s learning process:

Group 1 decided to count out 100 paper strips first, they counted by 10s. Lisa and Safiya were partners and worked from one end of the chain sharing the work taking turns in loading and stapling. Trace and Michael were partners and worked from the other end of the chain with Michael loading the strips and Trace stapling them. Group 1 completed their chain in the fastest time. They agreed that their strategy was good as they worked from both ends of the chain at the same time.
Lisa: ‘We only had 1 strategy and it worked really well the first time.’

Group 2 decided to write down a number each time a partner put in one paper strip. At the beginning Scarlett recorded while other group members took turns in adding a chain. This was very slow. So Group 2 decided to change their strategy to speed up the process.
Scarlett: ‘Doing things in turns took a long time.’
Kyle: ‘If we each did something different it went quicker.’
With the new strategy – Scarlett tracked the number, Fatima passed the strips to Kyle and Liam, and they loaded and stapled the chains working from opposite ends. So although the first strategy ‘kind of worked’, changing it slightly meant Group 2 were able to complete their chain faster and were the second group to finish.

Group 3 decided to use a hundred chart to help keep track of the numbers of paper strips that were used. They each took turns coloring a number and adding a chain. This strategy did not work well and was very slow. To speed up the process, Group 3 changed their strategy. They began to work from both ends of the chain and both ends of the 100 chart. On reflection Group 3 decided that they would not use their first strategy again.
Emerson: ‘The plan did not work very well.’
Daisy: ‘It was really slow and we came last.’
They decided they would use a whole new strategy and start from both ends right at the very beginning.

Question: KZE made three paper chains with 100 strips each. Are they all the same length or are they different? How are we going to find out?
Daisy: ‘The chains will be the same length because they all have 100 paper strips.
Kyle agreed but Lizzy was not sure. Nearly everyone in the class thought they should be the same length but agreed with Lizzy that they could not be sure. Lisa suggested we measure the chains to find out. There were many suggestions on using rulers or blocks. Lizzy figured out that the best way to do it was to put the chains side by side and see. KZE took their chains into the corridor and we measured them. Group 1 had the longest chain while Group 2 and 3 were similar in length.

Why were they different?
Daisy suggested we count Group 1’s chain again and make sure there were only 100 strips in it.
We went out and recounted Group 1’s chain and discovered that there were really 104 strips in it instead of 100!!!! When we removed the extra 4 strips, all 3 chains were the same length!

Question: Is one of our 100 chains longer than all the students in KZE combined?
Most students thought the chain would be shorter than the combined length of the students in KZE. Emerson and Michael thought it would be longer.
We went back into the corridor and the KZE students lay top to toe alongside one of the paper chains. The paper chain was as long as only 8 students and we had 12 students in the class today. This showed that the chain was shorter than the combined length of the students in KZE.

Inquiry in writing…

KZE students showed their baby photos, shared changes they had observed. We were wondering how to show changes – write our own personal timeline. But how??? After discussion, we decided to look at books written by professional authors. We read mentor texts “When I was Little” by Jamie Curtis and Marcia Williams, “Before You Were Big” by Jennifer Davis, and “When I Was Five” by Arthur Howard. We shared what we noticed in these books, and chose three things we noticed to try it out in our personal timeline writing. After trying, we went back to mentor texts and noticed more things. We decided to try them out again. We learned a lot from other authors on writing personal timeline.

Reading books and trying to notice helped me to write my personal timeline. – Lisa
I like sharing ideas about what we should do because it helped us to find answers on how to write person timeline. – Trace
When we put ideas on our chart, it helped me to remember what to write on my personal timeline. – Emerson
Sharing what we notice helped me to write personal timeline. – Liam
I think the chart helped me to write personal timeline. – Lizzy
I think the noticing chart helped me to write personal timeline better. – Scarlett
I like to share ideas on how to write my personal timeline. – Kyle
When people came up with ideas, I think about my ideas, and those ideas helped me to write my personal timeline. – Freddie