Happy holidays…

A big “THANK YOU” to Ms. Tina and all the parents who help organized our class holiday party.  We had a great time.

This week, we said “goodbye” to Max who will be moving with his family.  We will miss you Max!  We wish you all the best in your next adventure.

We read a holiday story “Christmas Daddy and Hanukkah Mama.”  KZE students had another intense discussion about whether Santa is real.  Here are some of their thinking:
I think Santa is real if you believe in him. – Daisy
I think Santa is real because he drops off presents at my grandparents’ house. – Emerson
I think Santa is real because I saw him two times in Finland. But I don’t know if the reindeers can fly because I didn’t see them fly. – Trace
I think Santa is real because he brought gifts for my parents. – Lisa
I think Santa is real because my mom knows where to give the list to him. – Max
I know that Santa is real because I saw Santa at my dad’s work. – Lizzy
I believe in Santa because every Christmas he brings me present. – Scarlett
I don’t believe Santa is real because once my parents and me watched a movie about a man who knows everything. And he told us that Santa is not real. – Liam
I think that is a fake movie. I think that man is not smart. – Students
I wonder why Santa always comes by himself. – Daisy
I wonder who is going to be on the nice list and who is going to be on the naughty list.- students

We will let our inquirers continue their wonders…


Following is the link to our winter concert.


Wish you all a happy holiday. See you in the new year!!!

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