Collaborative inquiry into math…

KZE students had a discussion about how we can use counting skills in our daily lives. We came up with a list of things that we can count. We voted the three things we like to count the most and formed our inquiry groups. Each group came up with a plan/strategy first and then went to work. After that we came back and shared what we had discovered.

Group 1
Our first plan: two people recorded the first floor, two people recorded the second floor, two people recorded the third floor and all of us recorded the fourth floor.  When we came back together and tried to find out the total number, we noticed that everybody had a different total.  We realized that our first plan didn’t work well. So we came up with another strategy. All of us recorded every drinking fountain that we saw.  When we came back after the second try, most of us had the same total: 20.  We decided that our second plan worked better. It helped us to find the correct answer.

Group 2
Our plan was: use two different strategies to be sure we count the classrooms in ES properly.  We decided to put sticker on the schedule of each classroom in ES. Then we took those stickers off and count them. We got 34 stickers.  We also used the other strategy at the same time: one of us was writing down the numbers of the classrooms. Then we counted the numbers and got 31. So we decided to make double check with the numbers. We wrote down the numbers of the classrooms, count them and got 35. Then checked thoroughly and found out that we put in the list one number twice. So we got 34 numbers of the classrooms.  Our strategy with the stickers worked properly from the first time, but the strategy with writing the numbers needed the double check.

Group 3
Our Plan: We decided the safest way to count cars in the Main Car Park was to work as team and stay together counting only the cars on the left side where there was a sidewalk. We used tally marks to record the number of cars and we also put a tile in front of each car as we went along to check our answer on the way back.  Once we reached the end of the sidewalk we counted up our tally marks and had a total of 32 cars. We walked back picking up and counting the tiles we had left behind. One car had gone so although we counted 32 tiles, there were really only 31 cars left in the car park at the end of the exercise.

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