It’s OK!!

During our “Who We Are” unit of inquiry, we talked about similarities, differences, and acceptance.  We read the book “It Is OK to be Different” by Todd Parr.  We decided to make our own “It Is OK…” book.  Each student made a page and Mrs. Zurfluh recorded our reading. We decided to make a cover and a back page.  We wanted to make it because we like making books. We also want to let other people know that “It Is OK to be Who You Are”.   It took us three days to make this book.  We like our book.  We would like to share with our parents and other Kindergarten classes.  We are also hoping that we can share our book during one of our assemblies.

7 Replies to “It’s OK!!”

  1. Thank you KZE for sharing your book! One of my favorite books about being OK with being different, Elmer by David McKee. Maybe I can come to your class and read this with you.

    1. Thank you for visiting our blog. We have already read the “Elmer” book. But you are still welcome to read to us again.

      KZE students

  2. We love your book and video! Thank you for sharing! Thank you for sending us this message so we can see it on the Smart Board. We want to make a book to share with you.

    From the KNL Kids

    1. Thank you for visiting our blog. Thank you for leaving us a message. We can’t wait to see your book!

      KZE students

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